Selected Item will show at very top edge of page.
Data/environment/humans/chemtrails/news - Whistle blower contacts IAHF with inside info on chemtrails: How to Detoxify & Protect Ourselves.
36 Foods That Help Detoxify and Cleanse your Entire Body
Dr. McCain and the Detoxification of America by Lanny Messinger
Activated Carbon
How to detect and remove toxic metals from your body - Health Recipes
How to Use Herbs Effectively and Safely
Detoxing From Heavy Metals During the Chemtrail Hiatus
Study: Sniffing rosemary improves
memory by 75% (Needed since aluminum oxide in chemtrails adversely effect memory)
Ultimate Guide to CBD Oil Benefts
Healing Herbs Used in America before Rockafeller
funded AMA and Universities to push allopathy
Click thumbnail for full-sized poster
Nanoparticles In Everyone; Health Effects, & What You Can
Do To Eliminate The Dangers
This is a must see. After years of study, Tony Pantalleresco has
learned how to use herbs and foods to heal and shares his knowledge.
Diatomaceous Earth and Clay according to
Dr. Gwen Scott, is known to pull metals (which are in chemtrails) from
the body. I once had the article by her here, but the page to which I
linked here is no longer available. For more information on Diatomaceous
Earth & Clay, please click the links below:
Food-grade Diatomaceous Earth Reported To Absorb Mercury, Viruses
A site that sell Diatomaceous Earth:
Note: I do not recommend any particular company for purchasing
Colloidal Silver.
I suggest you google search or ask around.
Many links here on this DuckDuckGo
Search page of how coconut oil (make sure it's pure) can help fight
Alzheimer's Disease
How Coconut Oil May Rescue The Brain From Alzheimer's Disease
Removing Chemtrail Toxins With Natural Products
How To Make An Amazing Cilantro Pesto For Heavy Metal Detoxify
How to Use Cilantro As Medicine: Detox Your Body of Mercury and Beat Chronic Inflammation
How to remove mercury and other heavy metals from your body
Whistle blower tells how to Detoxify and Protect Ourselves from Chemtrails
Top Ten Natural Ways to Remove Heavy Metals
Ailments and Solutions by Russ Tanner
Dandelion Salve Recipe - Good for metal poisoning symptoms such as stiff and achy joints
Alzheimer's has increased drastically in the last 20 or so years which
is about the same time the aerosol spraying programs began (which includes
aluminum oxide). It is known that aluminum causes Alzheimer's. Here
is an article on how to stave off alzheimer's Disease:
A compound found in turmeric encourages brain repair
15 Plants And Herbs That Can Help Heal Your Lungs
28 Simple & Natural Ways to Detoxify your Body
An Effort to Protect Yourself from Chemtrail Poisoning - Surviving the Toxic Plagues
Water Recipe: Flush Out the Toxins and Impurities From the
How to
Detox the Body of Heavy Metals and Avoid Common Exposures
Make the
Strongest Antibiotic and Anti-Cancer Treatment At Home
The Mother Of All Antioxidants
Morgellons is a new disease that started shortly after the chemtrail spraying programs began. It is evidenced by wire-like fibers coming out of the body. The "scientific community", despite physical evidence of Morgellons, will insist it is a mental disorder as it is a new and not yet understood disorder. Furthermore, the "scientific community" like msm, will accept only whatever is passed on to them by a government agency or educational institution (also funded by government).
I put this in the Remedies and Detoxify column of this page because the body treats it as a foreign invader as antibiotics helps to diminish its effects. It is hard to find any treatment for Morgellons online, as most of the links are from medical institutions that accept only what they are taught by mainstream science and still insist it is a delusional disorder.
Is Morgellons Disease Caused By Chemtrail Spraying?
Morgellons Cure Step By Step Survival Guide!
How to Kill Morgellon Fibers and remove from your Body
Morgellons Cure Step By Step Survival Guide!
MORGELLONS A Natural Medicine Approach (PDF) - Posted by Cliff Carnicom on behalf of Gwen Scott, N.D.
1 cup baking soda
1 cup Epsom salt
1 cup 20 Mule Team Borox
1 cup sea salt or Redman's salt
Soak as long as you can use: 1 Exfoliating Bath Towel 12 inches by 36 inches - works better than dry brushing. Load the exfoliating towel up with soap for a thorough cleaning. Scrub like your life depended upon this, results are life changing. (Source)
Nanofilament Replication Inhibitor
Step-by-step instructions on how to make a nanobucket
Chemtrails: The Consequences of Toxic Metals and Chemical Aerosols on Human HealthInvestigating Chemtrails - Dr. tells what was found in lab tests
Effects of breathing in Aluminum nano particles
Effects of Aluminum Nanoparticulates in Our Lungs
Diseases Associated with Nanoparticle Exposure
Millions were in Germ War Tests
What You Need To Know - New Summary And Medical Data
Chemtrails: The Consequences of Toxic Metals and Chemical Aerosols on Human Health
Denying chemtrails is dangerous for your health
What chemtrails are doing to your brain
The Institute of Molecular Medicine - deals with mycoplasma from military
Mycoplasma: The Linking Pathogen in Neurosystemic Diseases
Impacts of Chemtrails on Human Health. Nanoaluminum: Neurodegenerative and Neurodevelopmental Effects
Listen to internet radio with MadisonstarMoon on BlogTalkRadio
Chemtrails and Their Health EffectsThe Institute for Molecular Medicine - This one includes information about various chemtrail-related illness.
Chemtrails hearing EU parliament by LovingTruth on Apr 10, 2013: Health effects on humans, flora and fauna of toxic clandestine aerial sprayings
Chemtrails, Nanoaluminum, and Neurodegenerative and Neurodevelopmental Effects By Russell L. Blaylock, M.D
Article that accompanies above video: Children Exposed to More Brain-Harming Chemicals Than Ever Before
This vid still works. For some reason, it doesn't show a thumbnail image.
Chemtrail Flu: Have You Got It Yet?
presented by Youtuber, Jamnoise72
Barium: The Poison No One Talks About
Barium is just as dangerous to our health as lead, arsenic and mercury and shows up regularly in public water supplies.
Exposure to small amounts of barium, dissolved in water, may cause a person to experience these problems: 1. Breathing difficulties
2. Increased blood pressure
3. Heart rhythm changes
4. Stomach irritation
5. Muscle weakness
6. Alterations in nerve reflexes
7. Damage to your brain, liver, kidney and heart
Barium sprayed in the atmosphere falls to earth and gets in water supplies. --from Bariumblues website.
Just because we aren't dropping dead as soon as an airforce jet sprays over our head, it doesnt mean the spray is not toxic. Remember asbestos, lead, aspartame and other toxins exist that poison slowly and has an accumulative effect, rather than an immediate effect.
Click on thumbnail above for larger version
HUMANS into ROBOTS with Chem Trails, Smart Meters, HAARP
by Youtuber, Bill Otinger
The American Lung Association now offers air particulate reports for Virginia. Because all is trickle down from the federal government, no admission to chemtrails
is or will be made in the report. Pollution and global
warming is being blamed all on cars and industry.
This is a good way to shut down production and
create more unemployment, homelessness and
the destruction of America. Here is the link to it.
Alzheimer's & Aluminum Toxicity
Mycotoxins from chemtrails and the symptoms
BioIntiative Report on the Effects of EMF and Elf Waves
Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields EMF Dr. Ted Litovitz (documentary video)
Revelations From A Man Who Helped Design Morgellons Disease
Scientists Warn Geo-Engineering Can Kill Billions of People
7 Secret Ways We Are Being Poisoned
Lung Pathology and Mineralogy Associated with High Pulmonary Burden of Metal Particles...(PDF)
Neurologist Warns of Exploding Neurodegenerative Disease Due to Chemtrail Toxins
Health Effects of Aluminum by Lenntech
First Case Study to Show Direct Link Between Alzheimer's and Aluminum Toxicity (by Dr. Mercola)