People Speaking Out Against Agenda 21
If you have not heard of Agenda 21, you can learn the basics of it in this PDF named "Agenda 21 in a Nutshell" or see the United Nations own document: sustainable development Agenda21.pdf. It is the United Nations plan to condense us into highly controlled megacities, get us out of our cars and control and monitor our usage of electricity and water through Smart Meters. The SMART in meters stands for " Self Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology" All these plans by the United Nations are based on the assumption (or lie) that the planet is warming due to human activity.
In times like today, silence is no longer a viable option unless you don't care if you lose all your freedoms. Whether it's at a United Nations Meeting, an EPA Hearing or confronting local politicians who are taking steps toward implementing Agenda 21 sustainability; the people in the videos below show us how to call them out on it.
As a side note, we all need help with standing up to the current and would-be dictators. Max Igan came up with a great idea for how to find other awakened people in our local area. It is called The Full Circle Project. Here is the link to it.
In the first video, first you'll see Mayor Fontana of San Bernardino, California trying to remove a Sanbag member because he would not vote the way she wanted. Then you'll hear people speaking up against her for this at a subsequent meeting.
The San Bernardino Sanbag Associated Governments is a regional planning board that is comprised of sitting city council members and mayors of 24 cities and the 5 supervisors of San Bernardino County. The voting members are not elected.
The Sanbag is a branch of Agenda 21's climate action plan and federal funding is what drives the politicians to comply. Making driving more expensive to get people out of their cars by creating toll lanes in a state that already pays higher road tax than most, is one step toward achieving Agenda 21.
The best speeches I have heard against Agenda 21. Here Americans get together to speak against Upland General Plan. The plan still gets rubber stamped despite all those who speak against it, but this vid shows how many are awake to the agenda. California is further along with the implementation on "Sustainability", but other states not so far along. Maybe it not too late to fight in other states.
Weaponized News reporter Pam Jones calls out the FUSD for turning the public schools of Fresno into an open air prison and for being part of the New World Order Agenda 21 Takeover of America.
Below we hear Rosalind Peterson who is a retired certified U.S.D.A. Farm Service Agency Crop Loss Adjustor. She addresses the committee at the "Coping With Climate Change: Best Land Use Practice" conference that was organized by the United Nations on 2007. She points out how much of the climate change is due to the effect that persistent contrails and jet induced clouds have on the climate.
The EPA is involved with the implementation of Agenda 21 and the EPA Hearing on Commercial Aircraft Emissions is proof of their participation. You can learn more about this from the New American 2012 article which can be found here.The next two videos are at the EPA Hearing on Commercial Aircraft Emissions. Patrick Roddie and Max Bliss give the EPA panel indisputable evidence of the past and current geoengineering programs and how they have been and are affecting the climate and us.
In the next vid, James Lee, points out to the EPA panel among their other failures, how "the definition of pollution has been perverted to mean climate change gases in what can only be called a violation of the spirit of the law". He also addresses lead and other toxins from jet emissions and aviation-induced cloudiness.
There were 2 other citizens who gave excellent speeches. If you want to see them, you can go here. Or, if you would rather listen to the entire EPA Hearing on Commercial Aircraft Emissions, you can click here.
With all the three-lettered agencies using false hyped up climate change propaganda as a justification for totally controlling our lives, we can start our own three-lettered agency called, Citizens Against Agenda21 (CAP) to try to regain control of our lives. CAP also happens to be an acronym used by local governments to refer to their "Climate Action Plans".
But it takes more than creating a group and an acronym, of course. It takes researching the issues, knowing the laws, and attending city, county, state and other meetings to call out the politicians on their agendas and when they break laws, and most importantly telling them that you do not comply. If you don't know when your city or county is going to have it's meetings; you can go to their offices or check their websites to get a list of their meetings and the meeting agendas.
Though, the examples I gave, via videos, was mostly about Agenda 21 (now Agenda 2030); the same measures can be applied to any corrupt politician or agency on other issues as well.
The United Nations has created a new document which is an update of and extension to Agenda 21.This new document is called, "Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development". The goals sound positive, but the ways to reach them are not. Here is the link to it:
For more information about it, check out: Agenda-21-NO-MORE---NOW-comes-Agenda-2030. Here is an except from it, "September 25th to September 27th the United Nations is going to launch a brand new sustainable development agenda for the entire planet. Some have called this “Agenda 21 on steroids”. But this new agenda is not just about the environment. It also includes provisions regarding economics, agriculture, education and gender equality. On September 25th, the Pope will travel to New York to give a major speech kicking off the UN conference where this new agenda will be unveiled."
Agenda 21 United States Map
Click above picture for larger view
None one can say it better than David Dees